Sting was in some horrific movies in the early 80s.
With a theme like this, nobody's mentioned Plenty? He and Tracey Ullman absolutely stole the movie from Meryl Streep, not that they stole anything of much value. Streep acted like her idea of character development was to change her hairstyle every 10-15 minutes.
Hauer was also good in Escape from Sobibor, a tv movie about the Holocaust with Alan Arkin.
Hell, I watched ...
Flesh and Bone,
I think it was called, with Hauer and Jennifer Jason Leigh, about a dozen times. It was really awful, but I LOVE him.
I know Ladyhawke is fantasy, rather than scifi, but hey...Rawrtgur. And I don't usually go for blond guys.
I even loved him in Prophesy III.
And, A Breed Apart, which I recall as being otherwise dreadful.
is fabulous. As is he in it. All tortured and broody.
::shivers happily::
And lest we forget ...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Made the same year as he did
Split Second,
as I just noticed.
So really, we have Rutger to thank for us all being here!
Rutger Hauer sort of frightens me.
Is that part of the appeal or did I see something when I was too young to watch it?
The Flick Filosopher loved Julie & Julia!
Rutger Hauer sort of frightens me.
He was terrifying creepy in
The Hitcher.
(And I still thought he was hot.)
Hell, I watched ... Flesh and Bone, I think it was called, with Hauer and Jennifer Jason Leigh, about a dozen times. It was really awful, but I LOVE him.
Flesh and Blood. Verhoven's first English-language movie (and also the film that severed his and Hauer's working relationship).