My dad and I were trying to come up with movies we were looking forward to seeing, and we really couldn't think of anything.
Also, I haven't seen Hurt Locker yet, but I've heard nothing but very good things about it, from friends who have seen it.
Emmett and I saw The Hangover this afternoon and enjoyed it mightily.
When is Iron Man coming out?
Has MST-3K ever done Monster-a-Go-Go?
I've got an old, dying tape of that episode.
Has MST-3K ever done Monster-a-Go-Go
Yes. It's on one of their DVDS. Which I own.
December is when Sherlock Holmes is coming out.
Has anyone seen Executive Koala? I discovered it in a foreign film section today. It sounds awesome.
Damn. That sounds like a must-see!
The Hurt Locker really does linger in one's mind--I saw it on Friday, and scenes from it are still popping into my brain occasionally.
He's Just Not That Into You is a huge, steaming pile of misogynistic crap. How did they get so may big name actors signed on for this bullshit?
Sometimes I think they just want to hang out with each other and get paid for it.
Or maybe they get to make their pet project about Pablo Escobar now.
I liked it when I watched it, but I see your point too. There wasn't ANY exploration into how a woman gets so desperate that she's hanging her life on some dude in a bar...Connolly is cute, but he's not *that* cute.