Yes, but how was the not-a-date?!?
I think it went well. We both enjoyed the movie. Nothing happened beyond agreeing that we should do more things together soon, and she seems more comfortable around me, but I wasn't expecting any more than that so I'll take it as a good sign.
My dad and I just got back from seeing The Hurt Locker. That was a really good film--it really made you feel like you were there in Iraq, and Kathryn Bigelow really makes the viewer connect with our three main guys. Just a terrific job all the way around.
DH wants to see that very badly. But I can't find it anywhere around here.
I'm pretty lucky in that my nearest first-run theater is a 21-plex, complete with an IMAX screen, so we get a lot of the smaller indie films here and I don't have to schlep downtown to the River East on Michigan Ave.
It's going to be a hard film to find, I think, although it is nice to see the director out there doing the promotion tour (she was on Colbert Report last night). It's been getting terrific per-screen averages, but the 3:35 show we went to only had about 12 of us in the theater.
REALLY want to see Hurt Locker.
Is it my imagination, or is Kathryn Bigelow really tall? She seemed to tower over Colbert.
She is pretty tall. I think she's about six feet tall.
(500) Days of Summer
which hit me in my sappy spots. Joseph Gordon Levitt sure has grown up charming.
Anybody ever see the spy movie
A Dandy in Aspic?
Late sixties, starring Laurence Harvey. Last movie directed by Anthony Mann.
Reviews indicate that it doesn't quite succeed but it does have a fantastic premise that seems rich with dramatic tension.
Harvey plays a
British agent who is assigned to track down and kill a Russian agent who's been killing off British spies. Problem is: he's a double agent for the Russians and he's been the one killing off the British spies. In essence he's been assigned to kill himself. The man he's assigned to kill is his own handler for the Russians who's been mistakenly identified as the assassin.
Sometimes you just hear a plot outline and think, "Cool...."