Saw Half Blood Prince yesterday. I was ... wildly disappointed. It felt completely disjointed, and the storylines they focused on seemed really off to me, especially
the angsty! silly! teen! romance
I thought Rickman was horribly underused, too. But I will say that I thought the
spontaneous wand-lighting moment when Dumbledore died was actually a nice shortcut to the general grief, since the setup of the funeral in the book would have taken a lot of time without a lot of payoff, except a chance to cry a little longer.
The whole thing just felt off to me, as if they'd thrown some random scenes at the screen and called it good as a placeholder. Definitely my least favorite of the films.
I don't necessarily disagree with Amy's point about the
wand lighting scene. It did cover a lot of ground pretty much instantly. Except that it sort of made me wonder if
Aerosmith had come to perform at the funeral
bonny, BWAH. Exactly.
Somewhere, "Free Bird" was playing, I bet ...
Except that it sort of made me wonder if
Aerosmith had come to perform at the funeral .
of course they had to be there. Because they DO-O-ON'T WANNA MISS A THI-I-I-ING.
OH MY GOD YOU GUYS. The "secret twist" in Orphan is actually a surprise and way better than I would have guessed. Link to the Gawker post about it: [link]
Chicken. Tikka. On. My. Monitor.
[eta: At the Billytea/Bonny posts, not Orphan.]
way better than I would have guessed
Better? Better? Seriously?
What part of
Secret Dwarf Hooker
is not better?
There are a lot of adjectives I could throw at that-wilder, more interesting, skankier...but I couldn't actually call it good.
Better in terms of more awesome/terrible. I assumed she was
a beheaded ghost!