So...Jurassic was basically fine and enjoyable, but I have rants both feminist and paleobiological. And, please note, script writers, that lampshading does not actually address the issue.
Because how cool would it have been if the raptors had had feathers? You can throw in a line about finding better genetic samples. Boom. Increased accuracy. And now everyone has to buy new toys.
Also, I do not believe that wearing those shoes (until the end of the fucking movie), she does not find herself some work boots somewhere.
I can't have been the only one who noticed that we knew the relationship status of every named woman in the script (unless you want to count the one lady on that initial containment team), right? That shit is not cool. It is sad when the 20-year-old entry in the franchise did better by its female characters, as a whole. This one maybe kinda passed the Bechdel...for about 3 lines in a conversation that generally didn't. Which is about the same level of dubious pass as the original. And, while the guys with lines were remarkably ethnically diverse (for this sort of movie), the women were not.
I'm pretty sure I could tell which crowd scenes were filmed in Hawaii by the ethnic makeup of the group.
So, with the resolution to the abominablesaurus, they pretty well put up a big flashing arrow when they introduced the Giant Ocean Creature What Eats Sharks. Because the ocean will fuck you up.