but it just struck me that her post was the first one I've seen about Fury Road that wasn't "Holy shit, amazing!" and the like.
Oh, someone I know on FB was bored by it. Thought it was too cartoony, no on had a story arc, there wasn't enough plot or dialog, and that the movie was mis-titled because it wasn't about Max. Oh, and that Tom Hardy isn't as good as Mel Gibson was.
I am very proud of myself that I didn't comment on their post.
I can imagine thinking those things, but...no.
The reviewer foe the free weekly paper said see it in 3d but I think I trust Jessica judgement on this.
Will be seeing fury road as soon as I can. Mom offered to go with me when she was here
I think she might have liked it but we opted to watch Leverage instead (which she LOVED).
I saw Pitch Perfect 2 yesterday, and thought it was very funny. Thinking back, I didn't love the music as much as in the first one, but it was very entertaining. I could have done without a few of the fat jokes. But the cameos were awesome, and I though Elizabeth Banks did a very creditable job directing.
I just saw Pitch Perfect 2 also. I enjoyed a bunch but I agree that many of the fat/ethnic jokes were trying to hard.
I just saw Pitch Perfect 2 also. I enjoyed a bunch but I agree that many of the fat/ethnic jokes were trying to hard.
I saw Mad Max today. I thought it was loads of fun and didn't feel like 2 hours long.
Frankly, I thought it felt longer than two hours, but I wasn't bored and enjoyed it more than I thought I would.
However, the best part was probably the end, when the audience clapped (I can't remember the last showing I went to where that happened) and then, as the clapping died down during the quotation before the credit roll, you could hear a man loudly snoring. Everybody burst out laughing.
He was still snoring at the end of the credits.
That guitar made me laugh every time.
YES! I'm glad everyone I saw it with is adamantly anti-3D so it wasn't even a question.
Shrill and Mallory have seen Mad Max and have some thoughts about it. (Spoilers, but probably not spoilers that make any sense if you haven't seen the movie.)