I was totally gobsmacked by Fury Road.
So much more fun than I expected. It felt like a perfect homage to the original...though I have not seen that one in a very long time. Honestly, I think it is better than the original!
Completely, surreally, cracktastic.
PS: Anyone who shares my needle phobia needs to go with someone who will cover your eyes for a couple of scenes. EEeek.
FAQ!Wife is interested in seeing
Fury Road
with me, but wants to know are any kids are harmed in it?
Oh Jon. I think there is one part that could be extremely upsetting to a new mother.
Could you spoilerfont some details for me?
It is all off-screen but
a baby is removed, stillborn, from a mother who is killed. One of the bad guys kind of plays with the umbilical cord
I stress again, it is all off screen. We don't see
blood or even the mother dying
No children are menaced, though
Max has visions of a child he let down.
Thanks, Bonny. I'll let her know.
I have to say, I still think 70 sounds old, but then I remember my mother is 70, and she doesn't seem so old! I did take her to see CA:TWS...but her review might have sounded a lot like that one.
I would agree with Mary's review almost word for word.