You even had the good sense to go to the bathroom during the Arwen scene.
I think connie neil had tipped me. Or it had already reached a status of conventional wisdom or something. But once Arwen had stopped fending off Ring Wraiths with water ponies she got less interesting.
I don't think I minded Arwen quite so much at the time, but in retrospect I think "THIS is who Jackson devoted 20 minutes of loving slow motion close-ups to when he couldn't be bothered to film the most kickass bit of dialogue in the whole trilogy?!?"
Okay - which is the most kickass bit of dialogue in the whole trilogy?
t /sheepish
I don't know, either.
I'm not much of a Tolkienist...
It's Eowyn's speech to the Witch King, I think.
Incidentally, Emmett and I were playing the LoTR version of Stratego tonight. I was doing pretty well until I foolishly attacked a Stronghold (Bomb) with my Aragorn (a 9) without testing it with a Soldier of Gondor.
It's Eowyn's speech to the Witch King, I think.
It's a whole dialog exchange, really. And Jackson cuts it down to like two lines, that lack all the punch of Tolkien's original. If I wasn't so tired at the moment, I could probably quote the whole scene from memory.
If I wasn't so tired at the moment, I could probably quote the whole scene from memory.
I know you've done it before - I'll Nilly it as soon as the coffee starts working.
[eta: Hec quotes it here: DavidS "LotR - The Return of the King: "We named the *dog* 'Strider'"." Aug 16, 2004 9:57:02 am PDT
Quoting someone else, I think, but that post was on the first page of resultsfor "begone deathless"]
Eowyn! Who does not cringe in front of the Witch King but is willing to die to defend Theoden and who makes the Witch King hesitate as she stares him down!
Stupid hobbit-footed directors.
I may be biased.