I found a copy of Errol Flynn's Robin HOod in the cheap bin at the store. Gosh, it's beautiful, what colors! The cloth isn't right, of course, and I'm not sure all the designs are right, but someone did some research when they were putting together the sets. What's going on in the background of the feast scenes and the furniture is darned close to correct.
Of course, I'm paying far more attention to the sets and background than to the story. Though Flynn leaping into a saddle with a high back and front is impressive.
edit: I know so much about filmmaking, that it kind of detracts from the experience. Plus we studied this specific movie in one of my classes in college.
OMG What We Do in the Shadows is absolutely hilarious. I'm not sure what else to say without giving too much of the funny away. I haven't laughed that hard since Guardians of the Galaxy, maybe? And if ever a film was made especially for Jilli, this is it.
Someone recommended that movie to me. Is it the one with the guys from the Flight of the Conchords?
Yes, the one who wasn't FIGWIT. Very much in the same deadpan quality of humor as FotC.
The last quarter of last night's horror movie viewing reminded me why I remembered C.H.U.D. fondly. Rather than screaming and cowering like the traditional horror movie love interest, Kim Greist's character:
1) bolted immediately upon being confronted by a C.H.U.D. peering over the starwell bannister at her,
2) locked herself in a room and moved lots of furniture in front of the door,
3) blinded the C.H.U.D. with bleach when it burst through her barricade,
4) grabbed a ceremonial saber and lopped its head off,
5) pragmatically kicked away the decapitated head that tried to bite her,
6) stole a police car and rushed to the area where boyfriend John Heard (the nominal "hero" of the movie) was trapped in sewers being filled with gas,
7) badgered police officers on the scene until they told her who was in charge,
8) chased said shady government official down on foot, and
9) warned John Heard and Daniel Stern about the shady government official's attempts to run them over after they escaped the sewer.
All this two years before Ellen Ripley kicked alien queen ass. If the movie had just followed her rather than John Heard the previous hour and a half probably wouldn't have been such a snoozefest.
There's a famous quote by Joss about how he created Buffy:
The first thing I ever thought of when I thought of Buffy, the movie, was the little...blonde girl who goes into a dark alley and gets killed, in every horror movie. The idea of Buffy was to subvert that idea, that image, and create someone who was a hero where she had always been a victim.
I think it's quite likely that Joss got the idea by watching Night of the Comet, where the blonde lead character is attacked by zombies in a dark alleyway, who then proceeds to beat the shit out of them.
Night of the Comet
That movie is good stuff.
Given that quote, I absolutely love that the first little blonde girl we see in the show is *Darla*.
Night of the Comet
That movie is good stuff.
Daddy would have gotten us Uzis.
I think it's quite likely that Joss got the idea by watching Night of the Comet,
I'm pretty sure he's specifically cited Night of the Comet for the tone of Buffy's character.