Hi, zenkitty. I'm not mew (ha, too good a typo to correct), I just am deep in lurkerdom. The combined power of Keanu and obscure movies compelled me to de-lurk.
In a desparate attempt at topicality, I finally saw Mockingjay part 1 this weekend. Woody Harrelson, as usual, stole his scenes, and damn, Donald Sutherland can still bring the creepy.
Who could resist the power of Keanu?
Woody Harrelson, as usual, stole his scenes
I never would have guessed how perfect he would be as Haymitch.
For those interested,
is a fun, popcorn flick. Lots of action that often kept me on the edge of my seat. At times it felt repetitive in terms of narrative/style choices, but I certainly enjoyed myself while watching. And, as with the first film, I appreciated the many roles for women. Other than that, it's a standard superhero movie.
I'm not sure you would appreciate it if you hadn't at least seen the first movie. I haven't read the book, and the action made sense to me while watching, but
I was surprised to find how much of the plot they had changed when I came home and read the Wikipedia summary. So fans of the book should be prepared for
Joining the Keanu love fest. So glad some that disparaged him in the past are coming around.
Not so much. Speed is pretty much the only one of his I can watch.
Love Keanu and ain't no shame in my game. As megan walker knows, I paid folding money to see 47 Ronin in the theater. First run. It's deep between me and Keanu.
Though I absolutely hated where it ended up,
While We're Young
was quite enjoyable in an ironic hipster Brooklyn kind of way. Of course, given that I am going to the eye doctor tomorrow to finally get progressives, it hit a little too close to home at times.
Actually, I enjoyed 47 Ronin quite a bit. I was really impressed with Hiroyuki Sanada as Ôishi, though; he's what made the movie for me. It was also nice to see Rinko Kikuchi being all badass again.
Keanu - I feel like he's my people. He is even about the same age as my youngest brother.
Also: my experience riding on the local buses as a grayhaired woman with a wonky leg: POC are the ones who will give up their seat to me.
Have no explanation for that.