So, Kingsman was ridiculous fun, as I said in natter, and then Steph said this:
Wait, in the movies thread, weren't you all O_o about the ending when you were spoiled for it? Is it as batshit as it sounded? (More to the point, was Charlie Jane Anders' assessment of it as "psychotically violent" correct? Because *that*, rather than the ending, would keep me from seeing it.)
and we decided to bring the conversation here. I was indeed all O_o about the ending I was spoiled for, and I wouldn't have gone to see it, except my friend invited me and my new policy is not to turn down invitations to socialize.
It wasn't as bad as I feared. The violence is cartoonish and over-the-top; my friend went ugh a few times but I just laughed. I mean, heads explode, limbs are severed, and it's cartoonishly gross but not remotely realistic. I'd call it less disturbingly violent than Kill Bill. I wouldn't call it "psychotically" violent because to me that implies realism, and this had none. When heads explode into brightly colored mini mushroom clouds and fireworks I can't believe it enough to get worked up over it.
There were no rape scenes or threats of rape. The other Kingsman candidate of note is a girl and her only weakness is a fear of heights. It passes the Bechdel test, though barely. There is domestic violence, but it is portrayed as a disgusting and horrible thing to do, and the perpetrator gets his in the end. (Oh, yes, stay through the first credits to see that.)
As to Charlie Jane's other spoilers, hmm. Yes, Barak Obama's head get blown off along with every other person's in political power, but you only see him from the back and briefly, you could miss it. In other words, it wasn't a statement aimed at him specifically, but at everyone in power. (There are some strong political statements made in the movie, many of which I agreed with, you know, up to the point where the murdering started.) And the princess who offers Protagonist anal sex if he saves the world, yep, she did, and I wasn't even offended. Some might be. She wasn't bribing him, just offering extra incentive, and she was full of enthusiastic consent.
The best part of the movie was watching Colin Firth kicking all the ass.
What this movie was, was an adolescent male power fantasy. Total fantasy. I got no problem with that. But having seen Kingsman right after Jupiter Ascending, I will mention again, that in general male power fantasy movies become hits, and female power fantasies get mocked, even when they are equally ridiculous.
eta some stuff