Finally got to see Hobbit Three today. I was fine, kinda groovin' on it. And then Legolas spent all his arrows and reached for his sword. Okay, still okay.
But then, he lost his sword, and reached for his knives. And I just started blubbering in the theater. H patted my hand and passed me a tissue. Battle scenes are really great for blowing your nose so you don't bother any other viewers.
I am more or less planning on seeing it the first showing this Saturday. It's good to have that particular warning.
I'm on the last few chapters of reading the book out loud now, and I'm actually struck by how faithful the movie was. If you edit out the bits that were totally made up, I mean. And ignore the fact that this 2.5 hour movie is less than 50 pages of text, and that the actual battle in the book takes all of three paragraphs.
But the individual scenes and conversations were preserved pretty much as-is, which was a nice surprise.
Chris Evans...Chris Pratt. How to choose? It cannot be done. I liked Chris Pratt when he was heavy, too. That's just a fine hunk of gentleman, right there.
And according to what Pratt has said, his wife like's him heavier.
He's probably less crabby, for one thing.
Also - while he looks good thinner (of course, he is quite pretty), he looks more interesting/less generic Action Star when he's heavier.
Chris Pratt as Indiana Jones.
I'd hit that watch that hit that.
I'd watch Steph watch it.
I mean, he's sort of Cumberbatching it, but he's appealing and seems to be a really nice guy, so good for him.