and yet Dracula is one of three movies where I've seriously considered walking out of the theater because it was so bad.
Those are fightin' words.
Okay, no, they're not. I know the Coppola Dracula is a trainwreck. But it's a super-pretty trainwreck!
My tolerance for Keanu Reeves has always been and will always be very high
In this we are opposites. I have very little Keanu tolerance.
Those are fightin' words.
I wanted to like it, really I did.
Seekrit message to SuziQ:
I'm ignoring you.
As are Jess and Juliana I'm sure.
I think the answer is clear: there need to be a TON of vids: using the pretty, and saving us from the rest of it. Sadly, that skillset is still on my "to be developed" list.
Response to megan (Jess and Juliana):
All the more Keanu for you. I'm being generous. You should thank me.
runs in, gathers the Keanu, runs back out
I think you meant to say, "WHOA!"
I've spotted Keanu twice out and about in LA, once at Marix drinking margaritas (that'd be both of us), once at a Flaming Lips concert. That makes him my personal most-likely-to-see movie star in LA, but at 2 sightings, that makes me a big ol' fuddy dud who isn't very likely to see movie stars out and about in LA.
A friend of mine once described the Coppola Dracula as "the Three Stooges and Van Helsing meet Dracula." I enjoy the pretty, and I'm happy to have it on the tv in the background while I'm focusing on something else. But it's not my platonic ideal of a Dracula movie. I'm not sure I've seen that yet. Has anyone heard anything about Dracula Untold? It seems like it might be interesting or it might take itself so seriously that I'll be stifling giggles throughout. It's hard for me to tell from the trailer.