Oh jeez, we're not going to see Ple for a month.
Oh, I'll pop in from time to time! Rest of the house is here until school starts, so my viewing time is limited, after all.
My friend Gwyn and I have discovered that it is still showing at the second run theatre near IKEA.
I am considering moving into IKEA.
I am considering moving into IKEA.
Live free and eat meatballs!
Looking at Film Critic Hulk's analysis: along with the add-on to get rid of asscaps, is there one that will change "compliment" to "complement" when the latter is obviously the intended word?
Hoo boy did that bug the shit out of me.
GotG was number one at the box office again this weekend. Not sure how often movies re-take the top spot 4 weeks out.
Probably a commentary on the other movie options that people wanted to see GotG instead.
Yeah, even the top contenders were in the teens this week, so it wasn't a huge resurgence so much as no big new films debuting and everything else having a steeper drop-off.
Finally caught up with GotG last night. I thought it was okay, not great. Most of the elements that I liked about it, I could point you to the episode of Farscape where they were done better. And I thought the set pieces were, for the most part, pretty dull. (With the exception of
the prison break, which was fun. And I thought the way the Nova ships created the shield was neat, but holy god does every movie in the world have to end with a giant spaceship crashing into a city now?)
I think if I'd seen a preview screening before there was any hype, I would have enjoyed it more - I know I would have laughed more if I hadn't been spoiled for literally every joke in the film. (My own fault for not avoiding spoilers, but I never know if/when I'm going to see movies these days, so I don't bother.)
I basically felt like Jessica. I think Drax was a biggie primarily because I hadn't seen his schtick over and over in the promos (plus he was flat out funny), but the rest of it didn't live up to the hype.
Definitely well-executed, enjoyable, *might* buy DVD depending on completion urges (will not buy Thor to date).