I can't predict whether Ant-Man will flop, but I predict I will hate it based on how I can't stand the character. (Also, I can't stand the sight of Michael Douglas's face.) I never liked Hank Pym, but I never liked Star-Lord either, so they've proved they can re-work a character to make me like him. But I can't suspend my disbelief over making a human being the size of an ant, retaining a human consciousness in the tiny brain, and then making him human again. I hated Giant-Man too. Yes, despite that I embrace Bruce Banner's egregious mass changes with delight. Hulk is a metaphor for uncontrollable rage, and I like me some metaphor. Also, Pym was a jerk, and Banner is not.
In conclusion, I wish they were putting the energy of making Ant-Man into making a Black Widow movie.
Yes! If they want to introduce a cool "new" character into the MCU movie 'verse with their own movie, Black Panther would have been a much better choice than stupid Ant-Man.
Hank Pym isn't the main character though.
You never know, a lot of people predicted GotG would flop, being based on obscure characters with few ties to the existing Marvel movies that not that many people care about. I'm wondering if Kevin Feige is an actual wizard at this point.
It's not that I don't think one could do an Ant-Man movie, either Hank or Scott. It's just the stuff that's come out, assuming we're not looking at foilers, makes me give it the biggest side eye in history.
To hell with a Black Widow movie--give me a Captain Marvel movie competently done.
Eh, I'd rather have a Black Widow movie. I like MCU Nat bunches and loads, and she'll have been in four movies without a solo go after A2, which just seems wrong for the main female character in the MCU.
Hank Pym isn't the main character though.
And he's
not even building Ultron
so I'm not entirely sure why they're intent on having an Ant-Man movie. They have so many other options!
If they introduce Cassie Lang, though, that would be cool.
Eh, I'd rather have a Black Widow movie.
But Scarlett Johanssen sucks at the role, and the production seems to have no interest in making her better. If her lame physicality and sloppy stunting were to lead a movie...no, I think Marvel should start again with someone competent, and produce it like they're impressed with her the same way they're impressed with their male heroes.
Gamora and Amy Pond didn't suck, so it's possible. But Black Widow has been bad consistently, so I have little hope for more spotlight fixing that.