My (current) rankings are:
Guardians of the Galaxy
Captain America 2
Iron Man 1
Captain America 1
Incredible Hulk
Iron Man 3
Thor 1
Thor 2
Iron Man 2
I change my mind often on this, though.
The Norton Hulk film holds up surprisingly well, although it kind of falls apart in the third act, as a lot of the Marvel films do.
Captain America 2
Captain America 1
Iron Man 1
Iron Man 3
Thor 1
Iron man 2
The only one I found even remotely "bad" was Iron Man 2, though I found it rollicking fun enough. I enjoy RDJ in the role and like the Iron Man movies but they've never grabbed my investment as much as the others.
I haven't seen the others. I don't really want to see Hulk. I didn't really know Thor 2 was considered bad and will probably see it someday. I cannot see Guardians of the Galaxy soon enough, but life isn't really helping with that at the moment.
I liked Iron Man 3. I thought Thor 2 was substantially less fun than Thor 1. And honestly, I liked Iron Man 2. I have a low bar.
My top three, in indeterminate order, would be Iron Man 1, Avengers and Captain America 2. I haven't seen Guardians of the Galaxy yet, but I've seen all the others. Least favourite would probably be Thor 2. I think Iron Man 2 was a worse movie, but I find RDJ too fun to watch to put it at the bottom.
Liked, didn't love GotG. One too many civilizations for me, I think.
I can't deal with ranking, but Thor 1 would be way up there for me.
Avengers, Cap 1, and Cap 2 would be my top 3. Iron Man 2 was definitely the worst for me - all the others were at least enjoyable.
One complaint about GotG: Lee Pace as Ronan was an extremely poor match of actor and character. That role as written could have been played by one of Dave Bautista's pals from the WWE, and Pace did absolutely nothing to elevate the material.
I'm surprised to see the
Thor 2
dislike. I really enjoyed it. I'd put
Iron Man 2
at the bottom; it was kind of a mess.
My top three, in indeterminate order, would be Iron Man 1, Avengers and Captain America 2.
That sounds about right.
I have to totally agree with Matt, in re Lee Pace in that role.
I've enjoyed/been impressed with nearly every role I've ever seen him in, but this performance sort of threw me out of the story.
I did not see Hobbitts 2: Electric Boogaloo, so maybe my assessment would be different, but I just don't see him as a bad guy...much less a super-world-killing monster.
It's his voice. Just doesn't have that kind of gravitas. Even as a cartoony villain.
6, 9 and 1. But I haven't seen GotG yet.
IM2 was godawful.