echo sentiments expressed above: don't watch Snowpiercer yet. It isn't "12 Years a Slave", but the movie is not "The Blues Brothers" either.
Oh yeah. And I can't be how sure I buy into there being
any remote kind of happy ending. Polar bears not being the most beneficent of bears among other things.
I took the polar bear to mean that there was life out there.
I like that Frank went to the
place though.
After reading all the whitefont, I really want to see Snowpiercer, even though it'll probably disturb me. I'll get it on DVD so I can watch it in the safety of my den and turn it off if I need to.
Oh, wait, it's already available on Amazon Instant. Now I have to decide.
it is on itunes now I heard also.
I like that Frank went
Yeah, that's kind of how I roll with movies like this. But that's what I enjoy at the movies.
The Ebert doc was both more depressing and more uplifting, it that makes any sense. I think he would have loved Snowpiercer though. It's one of many movies I regret I'll never read his review of.
Snowpiercer (rented from Amazon!) was more and less upsetting than I had expected, based on comments here and elsewhere. Since I saw it in my living room, I think the violence was less intense than they would have been in a theater. But the rest of it...damn. Chris Evans has some serious acting chops.
(I will say, I was
relieved at the final reveal of what they did with the kids, because the movie had prepped me to expect something much much worse. I was certain the "steaks" in first class had come from steerage, especially when Chris Evans very obviously refused to take a bite. The fact that they were only forcing five year-olds to work inside an engine 24 hours a day until they died from starvation and/or exhaustion seemed pretty reasonable in comparison to what I was worried about.)
I keep coming back to one thing that stuck out to me, why did Mason take out her teeth?
Quester, June Thomas had the exact same question! (I don't know the answer. It was a very strange character beat.)
I have to disagree with:
the only bad CGI was the food vat.
because I thought the
polar bear
looked pretty obviously cartoonish as well.
In retrospect, the bit with
the room full of axes
makes sense, given that
it was all a setup,
but in the moment all I could think of was
this scene from Galaxy Quest