Ford was young and hot!
I had to look him up because I didn't remember him. Jesus Christ, he is literally 21. He was born the year I graduated from college. I feel so old.
And I just looked up Tom Cruise -- he's 49. Definitely had work done, but it's pretty decent -- he doesn't look like Denis Leary or anything.
Denis Leary had work done? That disappoints me.
I was going to say that Tom Cruise has to be 49. He went to high school with a friend of mine. Santa Monica HS (or Samohi as it is called). She also went to school with Emilio Estevez and Charlie Sheen (although I think Sheen is my age). She said that even in high school people would point to Cruise and say that he already had an agent and he was going to be famous one day.
Tom Cruise, pre anti-Xenu. Trying to wrap my noggin around that...
It's not a good result for Denis, which, for me, makes it sadder than if he'd been vain and come out looking great. I liked his former face fine, though, actually.
It seems to me like as the years go on Denis Leary and Willem Dafoe look more and more alike. I doubt that was what Denis was going for with the surgery, but you never know.
I stopped on a movie on TCM and I said, "huh, that looks like Gene Kelly."
Well, wouldn't you know, it was. The movie? "On the Town." Never have seen this movie before.
Oh, On the Town! Gene Kelly and a young Frank Sinatra. I adore that movie. I know I'm late to the party, but I do really have great fondness for On the Town.
The Bronx is up and the Battery's down :-)
I loved the movie too! I can't believe I haven't see it before.
I also am slightly ashamed that I found Gene Kelly very sexy. Rowr.
There is no shame in that le n. Rowr is right.