I have olive skin though most people wouldn't pick that out unless they compared my skin color to someone who has more pink or blue undertones.
Told my boss I was going down to minimal hours for the next few days. The stress of the pain and trying to get my hours in just isn't worth . Luckily we are mid-month and it isn't a big impact on my projects.
My son objects to black, white, and yellow as descriptors of skin color. He said the names should be brown, tan, and pink. And then Franny corrected him and said it should be peach, not pink.
I had that same phase, my parents like to remind me.
Meanwhile I was jealous of all the actually brown people. Ebony and the Johnson + Johnson ads were to blame.
l recently found out my sister regarded herself dark like my father and me light like my mother. In truth,we're both high yellow, Daddy's milk chocolate, and my mother could pass for Chinese in her youth. But the shade politics in Ja. are nothing to mess with.
I'm awaiting reactions to The Edge of Tomorrow before I see it. Love the trailers, love TC outside of interviews. And also waffling on the 3D. Heard it was good, and the showings are better for me in that format. But I could also do something constructive around the apartment instead.
The worst thing I've heard about it is that it couldn't stand up to The Fault Stars movie. It's supposed to be better than his last.
I don't care how often he dies--I can't see him do the same thing
with all the raw good intent. Even if he gets a character arc in this one.
I really enjoyed it. Smart script and very entertaining. Emily Blunt is a BAMF throughout.
I think Cruise is a jackass and a tool, but the movie looks pretty good. At least, for a summer movie where things go boom, it looks pretty good (despite being what seems like a retread/mashup of Slaughterhouse 5 and Groundhog Day).
It is basically military sci-fi
Groundhog Day,
and it's clever and fun and action-packed. I enjoyed it. And Emily Blunt is BAMF-y as hell.
I saw Cruise and Blunt on Graham Norton promoting the movie. She's great, he's a tool, and the movie looks pretty good. I like the Slaughterhouse 5/Groundhog Day concept. Maybe I'll see it this weekend. I'm behind on movies; I need to go spend a weekend at the theater.
His toolness still bothers me distractingly, although I love Emily Blunt and am deciding which superheroine she should play--I read she was cast as Black Widow ahead of ScarJo, and that burns.
Why has my TiVo decided Graham Norton is optional? I didn't see that one.
IO9 really liked it, and I think they used Slaughterhouse 5/Groundhog day to describe it too. Well, at least Groundhog Day, obviously, although it seems more SPN Mystery Spot to me just from the few trailers I saw.
Ah, I love movie/TV equations/elevator pitches.