I've been curious about Belle, it looks so beautiful.
From further back, if molestation is that common in the movie business maybe child-star freakouts make more sense than we think.
I had that thought too, erika. Regardless of whether or not outright molestation is involved, the music and movie biz both have a bad track record of looking after the well-being of their performers.
I saw Godzilla and Only Lovers Left Alive last weekend. While I'm happy I shelled out to see both in the theaters (note: not a Godzilla purist), OLLA is the one I'll probably buy on DVD. I'm glad I saw Dead Man way back when, because it helped set expectations for the pacing in OLLA. SWINTON and Hiddleston were luminous. Amusingly enough, the previews before OLLA included RDJ, Scarlett Johanson, and Jeremy Renner. The whole thing was a parade of Marvel Actors on break.
New Guardians of the Galaxy trailer!! Oh man, I need this movie now. It looks like so much fun.
They are being pretty smart with those Guardians trailers.
The first one had the goofy factor that drew me in...snappy music and all...this second one sucks me in ever deeper with a closer look into the personalities of our heroes.
"Something good. Something bad. A bit of both" sound SO much like Joss delivery.
I am clearly their demographic.
Now I'm curious to see if the music actually shows up in the film.
Oh, and the new poster is terrible. Just terribl(y awesome)e.
I love that trailer. And the "take down" of the poster.
Now I'm curious to see if the music actually shows up in the film.
I think it will. I want to say I read an interview with the director where he said the music is Quill's connection to Earth.
I read something similar. It's why Quill gets so pissed off when the alien guard takes his walkman.
I am so looking forward to this.
This movie looks so fucking ridiculous. But possibly in an awesome way.
At this point, I just trust that team to make it awesome.