This is one instance where I would happily say
I would, too. But apparently you can't have
Gwen Stacy
fridging her eventually.
Hell, in that scene,
she was even wearing the same outfit from the original comic book.
It was
always going to happen, and it pisses me off, because I think Emma Stone did a great job as Gwen Stacy and needed to stick around.
I was trying to figure out, from this movie and visual hints dropped in it, who the Sinister Six could be in this iteration of the Spidey universe, and I've come up with
The Lizard, The Vulture, Doc Ock, Green Goblin, Electro, and Rhino.
Which would be pretty decent. And god knows I like Rhys Ifans WAY better as the Lizard than I do as Mycroft on Elementary.
I know a person who's on a commercially available DVD!
Oh, wait, I sleep with a person who's on a commercially available DVD. Sorry, Sunil, you're no longer as cool as I thought you were.
In a way I'm glad the Spectacular Spider-man cartoon didn't last long enough to reach that point. Though Weisman never said what his plans were on that front, as he responds to questions about the future story lines of any project he's worked on, no matter how unlikely to be revived, with "Spoilers. No comment." So things might have been different.
And I agree wholeheartedly on
Emma Stone's Gwen.
I wonder if anyone was spoiled that it was going to happen this movie by pictures of the outfit being worn.
That'd be impressive.
There have to be comics nerds who were. Nerdery is powerful.
Tim said he thought Harry Osborne looked like a model, while I was retching in the corner. He was greasy and pointy to me. Ick. (It's not *just* the difficulty of following James Franco in that role, but it doesn't help.)
Also wondering if Harry Osborne's assistant
(inherited from his evil dad),
who happens to be named
is meant to become
Black Cat.
Because that has the potential for awesomeness.
Guess who's going to (FINALLY) see Only Lovers Left Alive today?
We saw it today, and OMG I loved it! So so pretty. However the nurse at my appointment was a little concerned that my idea of relaxing and taking it easy was to go see a vampire movie.
I wonder if anyone was spoiled that it was going to happen this movie
In seeing the ads, and not knowing the canon well, I thought the trailers were signaling to fandom that they were going to
kill Stacy off
. So I was not surprised to read the spoilers above.
Also wondering if Harry Osborne's assistant
Haven't seen the movie, but considering Sony's ambitions for the franchise, probably.
Yeah, Harry comes across as totally greasy and sleazy to me based on the previews.