Also, with Marvel, a loooooot of superheroes live in New York, so they're always running into each other.
Which is part of the reason they set Tony Stark up in Malibu in the original Iron Man, to get away from the fact that all Superhero movies seem to happen in New York (or a fictional representation there of).
Ha, the movie has inspired a (spoilery) meme.
The Travolta one is hilarious. Made me laugh out loud on the bus.
Question: a friend who has also not yet seen Winter Soldier tells me that I shouldn't watch this week's Agents of Shield until I do because something will be spoiled. Is this true?
Yes. You should see the movie first.
I would posit that one should also avoid reading the Jossverse thread, for said movie spoilerage is thence spoilerated, at least in part.
Yeah, your friend is looking out for you. ETA: as is billytea.
Oh, I don't got into the Jossverse thread until I've seen the episode.
So, I will wait.
We were out last night, and, as we are DVR-less, can't watch SHIELD until tonight. (Technically I could watch it right now, since I've already downloaded it from iTunes, but I'm going to be nice and wait for Tim.) So the numbers in the Jossverse thread going up and up are KILLING ME.