I heard that
name too, but totally missed the reference to
I'm not sure where I heard it but I could swear that I saw an ad that said that
this week's Agents episode
will be
appreciably different as a result of movie events
News here about
Sabastian Stan having a 9 picture deal
and elsewhere that
he spent 5 months training for Cap2 AND spent every day walking around set with a plastic knife, so that his movements were totally natural
...well, all that makes me wibble a bit.
This whole article is super fun. LOTS of Cap2 spoilers and cool tidbits.
So the movie appears to be doing well:
In only 10 days overseas, the sequel has already taken in $207.1 million -- eclipsing the entire foreign run of Captain America: The First Avenger ($193.9 million).
As for opening weekend, it's one of those weekends:
1. Captain America: The Winter Soldier, 1/3,938, Disney/Marvel, $96.2 million.
2. Noah, 2/3,751, Paramount/New Regency, $17 million, -61%, $72.3 million.
I missed the Strange reference but caught the reference to the Valedictorian in Iowa City which played well with the Iowa audience.
As one who has not yet seen CA:WS (and has to wait till next weekend to do so NOOOOOOO seriously I have not been this jazzed about a movie since the Avengers and possibly not even then), I have one question: 3D or not 3D? (Oh, look, it's Hamlet, adjusted for inflation.)
Not 3D. It's a post-conversion, and To 3D or Not agrees that 2D is just fine.
Cool. 2D it is, then. (I'll be seeing it with my youngest brother, and it shall be awesome.)
(nodding at all of your reactions). Just wanted to chime into to say I saw it in a large theater last night and the scene discussed above with a key performance by Jenny Agutter's character (white font)
the ENTIRE audience groaned out loud when the mask pulled off out of sheer disappointment.
Every one. To a person.
The reaction was spectacular
Okay, that's hilarious. That reaction seems to be universal.
t edit
And yet, I bet if it had actually
been real, people/reviewers would have been saying it was totally unrealistic (within the logic/rules of a comic-book movie).
Every (fannish) reaction I've read has said the same.
o /
That reaction makes me glad to be part of humanity!