What is cisgender?
From chemistry, I think -- "trans" means "opposite" and "cis" means same side. I think in chemistry it's used for molecular structures.
Zero on the Kinsey scale?
Kinsey scale is the hetero-bi-homosexual continuum, which is separate from gender.
From chemistry, I think -- "trans" means "opposite" and "cis" means same side. I think in chemistry it's used for molecular structures.
Right. Chemistry took it from Latin.
And even though they are often associated with each other, gender identity does not have to do with sexuality, right? (Does that even make sense? Good God. I've replaced Steph as The Most Vanilla.)
Aims, that's correct. I was just flipping through Wikipedia and discovered terms like androsexual and gynosexual, which leave your own gender out of the equation.
Is there a scale for androgyny? What is the opposite of androgyny? Gendered?
So being content as a woman (though with grave reservations about the whole period thing) would be cisgender, and the approach to femininity and gender roles is something completely different?
Ayup. I'm so cis it hurts, but that doesn't mean I'm not a bit manly. I just like my girl bits, when they're not acting up.
Ayup. I'm so cis it hurts, but that doesn't mean I'm not a bit manly. I just like my girl bits, when they're not acting up.
This right here. Even on days when I'm butched the hell up, I am still very much female.
Good God. I've replaced Steph as The Most Vanilla.
Three words: Folsom. Street. Fair. Come back!!
James Bernardinelli has updated his Top 100 Films list and finally linked it on his website. I like most of his reviews, even if I don't agree with them, and I'm glad to finally have this readily available without having to google it.
He does have some unusual picks there--you don't typically see Branagh's Dead Again mentioned, but it really is the solid suspense drama/Hitchcock tribute film that the critic says it is. I remember seeing it in the theater with my dad and both of us just eating it up.
Dead Again.
I had the theater-size poster at one point. Can't think when I finally let that go.