She's a transwoman, or he's a transman? Your wording was confusing. From context, I'm gathering she's a transwoman?
Bio man who dresses and identifies female. Charlie hasn't had surgical reassignment, nor do I know if she wants to. I suspect not since Annalee paid for Charlie's nose job and I gotta figure that money would've been saved up for a reassignment surgery if that was a goal. I think Charlie likes being a chick with a dick.
Hence me opting for "transgender" over "transexual" and yet I think she's somewhere past "transvestite" too. I tend to use "transgender" to indicate the more fluid gender identity that is somewhere in the space between crossdressing and surgery.
chick with a dick
Seriously, PLEASE don't use this phrase again. It's incredibly offensive.
Bio man who dresses and identifies female. Charlie hasn't had surgical reassignment, nor do I know if she wants to.
Lots of transpersons never have surgery and yet live as their chosen gender. That doesn't make their gender identity fluid. There are lots and lots of reasons that transpeople don't have surgery -- money, the fact that it's not All That, the fact that they don't want to -- but it doesn't make them NOT their chosen gender.
You're missing the question. "He's a trans woman" is grammatically nonsensical, as the terms are used within the trans community. (And surgery isn't the point at all.)
Lots of transpersons never have surgery and yet live as their chosen gender. That doesn't make their gender identity fluid. There are lots and lots of reasons that transpeople don't have surgery -- money, the fact that it's not All That, the fact that they don't want to -- but it doesn't make them NOT their chosen gender.
Most trans men don't have bottom surgery, f'r ex.
Bio man who dresses and identifies female. Charlie hasn't had surgical reassignment, nor do I know if she wants to.
Huh. I thought she had boobs. Maybe I imagined them. My mistake.
Bio man who dresses and identifies female. Charlie hasn't had surgical reassignment, nor do I know if she wants to.
Huh. I thought she had boobs. Maybe I imagined them. My mistake.
"Reassignment" is generally the bottom half. Lots of trans women get boob implants but don't have genital reassignment. For one thing, boob implants are commonplace and therefore "easy." Genital reassignment -- NSM with the "easy." And very, very expensive.
We have a good friend (a trans woman) who is having surgery in Thailand later this year, and she has to be in the hospital for 2 months. I can't even imagine it. (But then, obviously, the fact that I can't imagine it is because I'm cisgender to the core.)
Anyway, she has boob implants, and has for a while. The biggie comes later. And good god damn, it is expensive.
(But then, obviously, the fact that I can't imagine it is because I'm cisgender to the core.)
Yeah, me too. I find it hard to wrap my head around it all.
What is cisgender? Zero on the Kinsey scale? I have no trouble with being a woman physically, but I sometimes wonder if my brain is more male than female.