Skipping over all the painting talk to say that I am working a benefit bash for Betty Garrett tonight. I put Betty in her mic, and I am currently watching the show from backstage, standing next to Beau Bridges listening to Betty sing.
Now Beau and his daughter are onstage singing to Betty.
Other people I have put into mic tonight - Gogi Grant and Carole Cook. Betty is singing dirty limericks.
All of the old ladies here tonight are dirty old broads. It's pretty awesome.
Also, I'm now officially two degrees away from Frank Sinatra, Jack Lemmon, Gene Kelley, and any number of other classic film stars.
Carole Cook is now roasting Betty. It's merciless. And hilarious.
Heh. If you see Betty again, you can tell her I've got one of her fifties headshots in my Hot Hollywood Stars folders.
Tonight I watched Doomsday. It's terrible, but also fantastic. I think I can sum things up by telling you that at one point, the punk-rock survivors of a zombie-esque plague have a big Thunderdome-style show where the mohawked leader performs a dance routine to FYC's "Good Thing." Which was an unexpected musical choice. But then they set a guy on fire and ate him, so it all made sense.
After that our heroes get captured by knights in plate armor. And then they get to meet Malcom McDowell in a castle, and there's some gladitorial combat. And then there's a crazy car chase.
So it's kind of to 80s action movies what Raiders is to 40s serials. But less so.
I liked Up in 3-D. I thought it worked well, if not quite as well as Coraline. But I also would've liked it in 2-d, and the surcharge was $4 for us (normally $6 at this theater for pre-noon, but we got to pay $10) so I'm definitely feeling kinda "eh" on the whole concept.