then I'm missing where one is all together! I thought the stroller gang was two (with the three little ones a third).
Me too. I thought the little league-ish boy was maybe separate.
Actually if cheerleader/guy on ground is one, and stroller family is one, except for three on the left, I'm missing where two are.
Oh GOD, I just got the train one.
This quiz makes me want to bang my head against my desk in pure "Duh."
Did you get the one at the lower right edge, between the feet and the hardware?
There are 3 in that pen no?
OK so I got the baby with the tag and the three little ones. The stroller family is one more title?
Did you get the one at the lower right edge, between the feet and the hardware?
Nope! But now I know what I need. That would be there, the cheerleaders, and the strange family. Clues?
eta I got the field between the feet and hardware.
Have no idea at all for the airplane on the far right, or the road signs near it. Hmmm.
The road signs are two separate clues/movies, and the picture on the one on top is a clue.
I forgot I still didn't have the other one. Crap.
I'm at 38.
or the road signs near it
What is
another way of stating the distance listed
on the sign.
The other sign
was said to get best picture because nothing good came out that year