Well, the Prime Directive against interference with alien societies was always more of a guideline than a rule with Kirk, but Starfleet did trust him with a kickass battleship.
'Same Time, Same Place'
Buffista Movies 7: Brides for 7 Samurai
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He disobeyed Starfleet a few times, usually when it had to do with Spock.
There are a small handful of incidences where Kirk's rules violations were so flagrant, he caused the rules to be rewritten (Kobiyashi Maru), or even have entire new branches of Star Fleet created (Temporal Enforcement).
Kirk practiced cowboy diplomacy.
even have entire new branches of Star Fleet created (Temporal Enforcement).
As well as Aid for Dependents of Starfleet Officers.
And of course, Kirk is at the top of the Most Wanted list at the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to World-Controlling Computers.
As well as Aid for Dependents of Star Fleet Officers.
Almost entirely comprised of families of junior grade officers.
Cashmere is me.
OMG! Zoe Saldana played Anna Maria in PotC:CotBP!!!
How did I not pick up on that?
::is awed::
connie, I bet your hubby likes the film more than you think.
My impression was Dana's, re: the rapid promotion of the crew.
Regarding, Scotty, I think we're supposed to assume that he has the seniority necessary to head up Engineering, and that the trans-warp beaming trick earned him enough brownie points to get him un-exiled.