the soundtrack could have used more TOS callbacks.
wrod. I actually found the music for the opening credits to be subpar. Actually, the title grated, as it was so wide and partly in shadow that for a few moments is looked like I was about to watch a movie called "Tar Tre".
The music during
Daddy Kirk's death and Jim's birth
was simply stunning. Reminded me of Lost's soundtrack.
And that would be because it's the same guy! Michael Giacchino.
Saw Star Trek on digital screen. Oh, Captain, my Captain.
My quibbles with Star Trek are the same quibbles I have with all of JJA's work - if you look at the plot too hard it will crumble into a sad little disconnected pile of individually awesome dust particles
It's true. If Frank Capra made the movie, this is what it would look like. Which is A-OK with me. It couldn't have been more of a love letter to fans and I got to go on the first date. Whee!! I am writing it's name on my notebook surrounded by pink sparkly hearts. ::sigh::
My quibble with Trek is that in retrospect, I feel that there wasn't enough "showing" of
Kirk and Spock becoming friends
and far too much anvilicious "telling", and that as fun as it was, and boy howdy was it fun (lots of laughter in my theatre), again in retrospect if feels gimicky. You know, Gimli cracking wise in LotR and gags that failed to serve plot or character. Too much on the spoof side of things (as opposed to paying homage or continuity).
Went and watched Doom again for a Karl Urban fix. Also watched the mess that was Max Payne, so it was a funny comparison of "hero is dying, takes the drug that has been EVIL EVIL EVIL in order to fight on". Doom was so much more awesome. I'm not even a gamer, and when the first-person pov came into play, I still got geeked out.
Also, Rosamund Pike is divinely gorgeous and needs to be in more movies.
I agree, Juliebird. So pretty!
I should see if I could find a dvd of The Bourne Supremacy just to have some glowering Karl Urban with a rather bad Russian accent but looking very pretty, especially in India. That buzz cut of his makes his eyes just jump out at you--yummmm! (IMO, he has the best eyes in Hollywood since Paul Newman, and no, I'm not exaggerating.)
Dude, even when his eyes are closed, they are pretty.
My quibbles with Star Trek are the same quibbles I have with all of JJA's work - if you look at the plot too hard it will crumble into a sad little disconnected pile of individually awesome dust particles.
I have a much higher tolerance for that in 2-hour chunks, because I usually don't feel the need to look at the plot in a movie the way I do for a TV series (Leverage being my exception, because the casting is so excellent and the show is so fun).
I feel that there wasn't enough "showing"
I think the casting went a long way here.
Jessica, your last whitefonted question - I know!!
I think the casting went a long way here.
I don't know that I take your full meaning
I don't know that I take your full meaning
Sorry, just that the actors managed to do a lot with subtext - an expression, a gesture, and I bought it. I will have to watch more closely the next time I see it. (Must see it soon!)
Star Trek!
That's pretty much all I've got.