Branagh's Hamlet
I saw it on TV not long ago. Looked beautiful, but how in the name of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern does the story belong in an Edwardian setting?
I mean, in college I helped out a professor who staged a couple of scenes of Richard III for a thesis. He used a 1960s Vietnam setting, but he explained the reasons for his choice to the committee. (Short summary for the curious: The government and society of Vietnam in the 1960s paralleled those of England during the Wars of the Roses.)
People like to play with the settings of Shakespeare. I've got a book of Shakespeare in Performance, and I think there's a punk rock version of one of the Henry V or IV plays.
Nothing is worse than the Mikado set at a 20s British seaside resort, although Carmen with a disco ball came close.
I liked the ShakespeaRetold movies that were on BBCA a few years back. Much Ado About Nothing set in the morning talk show realm, Macbeth set in the cut-throat restaurant business, Taming of the Shrew with Katherine being an MP and Petruchio being Rufus Sewell.
The Tosca I saw that was set in Mussolini's Italy was good.
the Mikado set at a 20s British seaside resort
Ouch. That... really doesn't work.
I would like to call for at least a 10-year ban on any Shakespeare production referencing Nazis and/or Fascists. Especially if it's an American or British production. Also "Taming of the Shrew" set in the Wild West, and "As You Like It" set in the 60s. Those have all been done to death.
No, Hec, I wasn't speaking about freaky "Crash" although I never finished watching it. I meant the one where Matt Dillon's cop gropes Thandie Newton's ass for no discernable reason because he is Such A Racist.(Although she does have a nice one, I must say)
Yeah, I didn't want to see that Crash. It looked too much like Grand Canyon in its white liberal rich Angeleno guilt trip o' doom.
Ouch. That... really doesn't work.
No, it didn't. Especially since
of the lyrics were changed.
Well, I wish I would have talked to you first, then. Though I suppose it helps to have a baseline for self-indulgent movie-making and it did make make me laugh in spots. It didn't mean to, but it did anyway.