Around the third or fourth time Logan looked upwards with clenched fists and screamed at the injustice of it all, I had to fight really hard to avoid yelling "KHAAAAAAAN!!!" in the theater.
It was when tiny!Logan did it in the beginning that I knew exactly what kind of movie I was going to be in for.
Tell me this, is the bad CGI in the trailers the final rendering?
My biggest disappointment was the scene with Wolverine and the helicopter. I thought that was going to be some cool ass shit based on the snippet I saw in the trailers.
Man, what a fuck up. I don't understand how movie professionals can fuck that up either.
I'm not sure what effects from the trailer, but the claw CGI was terrible. More than one instance could have had prosthetics, and it probably would have been cheaper and looked better.
For people who weren't reading comics in the 80s it's worth noting that Wolverine was
character of the decade. And everybody who was 14 in 1985 now has disposable income.
(Other characters of the decade, in descending order: Ororo, Batman, Daredevil, Elektra, Kitty Pryde (see: Whedon, Joss), Reuben Flagg (see: Chabon, Michael), Nexus, Rom Space Knight, Zot (see: McCloud, Scott) and Hopey (L&R).
Also a factor in the box office: Hugh Jackman's ass. (I defer to Matt on this point.)
I just watched
Let The Right One In
and I didn't like it. I was distracted throughout by the impracticality of the whole thing--I don't get how she or her first companion have any clue how to make what they're doing sustainable over time. I didn't like her. Did like Oskar, though.
Company! I hadn't read a single non-positive word about it.
ita, I was kind of meh on it as well, but I feel like it deserves an I Was Tired pass, at the very least. It was incredibly slow, regardless.