I'm watching the last half hour of the original Buffy movie.
"You broke up with my machine?"
Waiting for the best death scene ever.
And it didn't resort to belittling men in order to make the women look good either - it's just a very generous-spirited, fun, happy little movie.
clarity: still referring to
Mamma Mia.
Although the original Buffy movie was fun too.)
Meanwhile - OMGWTF wrt the gay guy getting kicked out of Officer Training? Crumbs! So the policy is that you can
gay, just not do anything about it EVER? I mean, I can see the sense of saying that sexual conduct (of whatever gender combo) is utterly inappropriate to the workplace, and creates inappropriate sets of group dynamics in a situation where people's lives depend on said group dynamics. But off duty? That's harsh. I wonder whether it's the same for the British Army?
Kristin - you okay?
Kristin, what is going on?
Maybe this (and the stimulus finally passing) will be a kick in the pants to Obama to do something about it. Ugh.
Oh, Kristin, no. What's up?
I have a horrible stomach virus or food poisoning. Haven't even been able to tolerate water since last night, and I've done nothing but sleep, get sick, and feel miserable all day. So. The dehydration is the real issue. I'm hoping they can iv hydrate me and pump me full of anti-naseau drugs.
How awful. Quick fix ~ma.
Ack. I'm sorry. Friday the 13th has claimed its Buffista victim. Hope you feel better soon. {{Kristin}}
Kristin, that's horrible. Much getting better~ma and punctuation for you.
The Pasadena urgent care. Our second home.