She made an effort at sounding all high-minded by saying that a pharmacist should be allowed to object to dispensing an overdose of a cardiac drug, or a drug the patient is deathly allergic to, etc.
Well, yeah. Because that's a matter of therapeutic efficacy, you dumb bint.
And it's disingenuous, because if there's been a court case where a pharmacist refused to dispense an excessive dose of blood thinner because it would make someone bleed to death, but then the pharmacist was fired, I sure haven't heard it.
So -- nice try, but total straw man.
total straw man.
An incredibly lame and sucky straw man, who makes all other straw men feel better about themselves, because they realize at least they're not that lame-ass pharmacist straw man.
I hope Canada keeps oppressing its pharmacists!
Which reminds me, some Canadian friends, who have lived in the US for the past 15 years or so have been going through the process of applying for citizenship. At the last meeting where they had to show up in person, the naturalization person told them they "already look like citizens."
Well, yeah. Because that's a matter of therapeutic efficacy, you dumb bint.
Also? That's a professional objection, not a moral one.
ETA: Which is to say, when my doctor said "You cannot take this BC because it will fuck you up." It was not the same as saying, "I will not prescribe you BC because I don't want to be a party to killing widdle babies."
"Cry more, emo pharmacist!"
I'm going to want to say this all day long, but I don't think anyone around me will get the context.
I love when Teppy gets her rant on. It's always funny and smart and inspires much vervent nodding in agreement on my end.
and her father is not a Christian
Again, very similar to God.
We're having Pi Day Friday today at work. It's yummy.
Is Pi Day today? If so, I need to find some e-cards.
You're editing, Teppy. There are many subtle ways to make people look even crazier.
Tomorrow is Pi Day. Today is Friday the 13th.