My friend K delivered her twins on Sunday. They made it to 34 weeks, which was just so wonderful. They're each almost 5 pounds!
Excellent! that's what my best friends' twins were when they were born. (And now they are 3 and ridiculous)
I would have slept well last night except that the dog was restless and I had to take him out a couple of times and then had trouble going back to sleep after. And I kept having bad dreams about my boyfriend ignoring me. The horror!
Oh, goodness! lisah, they can't be three already! Look how gorgeous they are!
I had a rough night last night too, but once I did crash, I was out. The morning was ROUGH...did not want to get up and move at all. But now I'm at work. Yay?
I am Suzi today. Hey, that's okay!
Dress rehearsals have gone well this week, and we have a final dress during the day today. We'll be performing for the entire 8th grade class. It should be fun. The kids are already excited about it!
I'm looking forward to this weekend when I can sleep in and catch up from this week. Last night was, unfortunately, typical for the whole week. I think I've been getting 4-5 hours per night when I need more like 7-8.
Ways you don't want to start your day: sitting on the floor of a school bathroom because you feel so nauseated that you don't trust yourself to make it to your classroom. Dammit. I think that this is the nail in the "can't have caffeine in the morning when on Wellbutrin" coffin. I've taken meds and am hoping like hell that this passes soon so I can do meeting and teaching.
PixKristin, have you had breakfast? I can't have pills and coffee on an empty stomach. If I drink too much coffee I can get nauseous, but usually eating something helps.
Tommyrot, yes, I've tried eating both before and after taking the pill on different days. And it's not coffee. I've tried tea and coffee (iced and regular), and I've determined that it's a direct interaction between the caffeine and something in the meds.
Anyway, I'm feeling much better now, so thank you.
Do I want actual food for lunch or ramen?
How about ramen with bits of actual food added?
K, I am so sorry about the nausea and yukiness. That is no bueno. I demand that it stop. Poor sweetpea.