hil, I'm thinking your officemate is less "socially inept" and more "compelte fucking sociopath"
This. And also, I'm really really tempted to wait for him outside your office and beat the crap out of him. Just to see what he does.
(OK, yes, I'm going for Second Place in the "complete fucking sociopath" sweepstakes...but it's been that kind of week)
This. And also, I'm really really tempted to wait for him outside your office and beat the crap out of him. Just to see what he does.
(OK, yes, I'm going for Second Place in the "complete fucking sociopath" sweepstakes...but it's been that kind of week)
Nah, a totally understandable reaction. If you do it, I'll bring the popcorn.
Anyone want to make the book on whether he cries, goes fetal, or cries and goes fetal?
I vote cries, goes fetal, and mutters an oddly anti-semitic query as he passes the fuck out.
I have seen none of this. I can't defend you if I know of a conspiracy.
(well, not technically true, but it's better if I don't have notice)
Vortex, I'm paypalling you a dollar right now.
The NY Times has an article about a football player who says he's going broke from paying child support for his nine kids. He says that the mothers of four of those kids lied to him about being on the pill. Wouldn't he have learned to use a condom anyway by, like, the second time? [link]
Okay, here's one for ya'll.
What does "instant" mean to you?
Specifically, when a store says "instant coupon," what do you expect?
I went to Walgreens tonight and they had many items advertised as having "instant coupons."
One of these was three packs of sugar free gum on sale for 3/$1.98 and 3/99 cents at checkout with instant coupon.
At the counter, they rang up at 66 cents each. I asked about the instant coupon, and was directed to a display at the front of the store where I could pick up a coupon book, remove the coupon, and present it to the cashier.
Instant? I don't think that word means what they think it means.