Glad that you're feeling better, sj.
I just had a random attack of "Crap! What if I never get married? Can I still have kids?" I honestly have no idea where that came from. Probably because I skipped Purim, and thus skipped an opportunity to be social.
Thanks, Hil. I'm still just a little shaky, but TCG is home, so all is good.
Hil, do not torture yourself with crazy what if's.
Yeah, what-ifs are bad. I'm the second-youngest of my generation of cousins on my mom's side, and of the about 25 or so of us, only the five youngest aren't married yet. The older ones who have married all married Christians. I've overheard my mom and her cousins discussing which of the younger bunch of us will be most likely to marry someone Jewish and raise Jewish kids, and the consensus seemed to be that I was the most likely, with my cousin Marc a close second. (Of the remaining three, one has said he no longer considers himself Jewish, one has said that she'd be OK with a Christmas tree in her home, and one is somewhat overweight and in her mid-thirties, so the older generation seems to have given up on her.)
Hil, how old are you? If you don't mind my asking, that is. There is no right age to be married, and you have a very busy life right now as it is. I know it's hard when everyone else seems to be ahead of you though. I keep trying to not be freaked out by how many people I went to high school with (who are now on facebook) who already have three kids.
Bah. I not only feel like I need a beer, I even have a religious command to get drunk tonight, and I have no alcohol in the apartment.
And now for something completely different:
Or maybe wrong, as Windsparrow says.
OK, I attend a synagogue of dorks. Purim is traditionally a day for silly stuff. For synagogues that send out weekly emails, a spoof email for Purim has become pretty common.
The regular emails from my synagogue generally start by listing the times for everything this week -- what time services are, what time candle lighting is, and so on. The Purim spoof one contains this:
Candle lighting: Twilight (Oh, Edward!)
I'm 28.
Oh, you are NOT. I don't believe you. For chrissake, I'm only 25....aren't I?
Oh. No, I'm not. Carry on.