There are no words to describe how much I don't want to go to work this morning.
First order of business for the day? Cleaning up and owning up to a massive error I made back in December (one I didn't realize I'd made until I made the mistake of checking my work email on Saturday morning). Gah.
Also, full of gronk from the change to DST. That does not help.
owning up to a massive error I made back in December
This always sucks. A true test of character, I guess -- we support you in email, Anne. Er, metaphorically. In the way that's not in email at all.
Today I have a proposal due for a the big paper for one of my classes. But, I totally forgot about it.
I officially have too many balls in the air. Things keep dropping. UGH.
Is it horrible to be thankful that I'm not longer dating? Now I can just curl up with my new desk and do nothing but work for the next two months and 19 days.
I'm glad that Aimee is finally able to take some sick time! Hope your family rallies soon, MM.
Spring break, I don' wanna work at all. But this is my week to get ahead on stuff. Ugh.
Pill popping sleep junkies, jonesing for a wink.
I'm pretty sure Hec was facetious and mock-rebuking.
ita, I hope you were able to find some relief, one way or another.
That being said, I hope all insomniacs got what was coming to them...sleep.
If not, I hope they get some soonest. I don't envy the sleeplessness.
The gronk, she is mighty. I spent a few minutes last night
swabbing a hydrogen peroxide soaked Q-tip over the white spot on my tonsil which I had done Saturday night, too. This morning, I see that the white spot appears smaller and less pronounced.
Yay! I think I may have figured out what I need to do to keep myself from going to the doctor every month for antibiotics.
Poor Em, I hope she can get over this without any more dreams of being lost. And Aims, I hope you get better, too.
Good luck with your proposal, vw.
Ok. I'm in tears. On my way out to the car, I slid on the snow and fell down the stairs, re-aggravating my hip/back from last week's fall. I'm in so much pain...with so much to do. I'm so frustrated. So. Freaking. Frustrated.