Thanks, everyone.
Your situation has helped us--Christopher was reluctant to have Owen put under to get his 16 cavities filled.
I was thinking about you guys today. I forget why exactly - oh, because we wanted a second opinion on how to treat the tooth pulling but that has so gone by the wayside. (as in, we need to deal with the infection before we start worrying about tooth pulling.)
I don't think that causes anything other than drowsiness.
I call those my stupid pills. They make me so stupid, I just can't stand it. So, maybe you can claim that the stupid made you do it?
{{{Stephanie}}} Since you're here...hell, I'll hug you any time!
So much healing~ma to Ellie, and ~ma of every other kind to you and Joe, Stephanie. How utterly frightening.
Also, would Ellie like some get well cards? I know getting mail always cheered me up when I was wee.
JZ, that's a *great* idea. And I bet Sara would draw her a picture or two.
Oooh, get well cards for Ellie! Yes!
Oh, I love that idea, JZ! What do you think Stephanie?
How utterly frightening.
I know! We went from puffy lip to brain-threatening infection in 36 hours. Joe was asking me earlier if we should have followed through on his initial desire to go to Florida on Friday but I mean, who travels for better medical care for a puffy lip? It just happened so fast.
I'm sure Ellie would love cards. It's going to be some long days at the hospital. You could send them to Ellie Izaguirre, PO Box 34091, Ft. Buchanan, PR 00934.
hell, I'll hug you any time!
Thanks, I'm always happy to have extra hugs.
Okay, I need to sleep now. If anyone sees me here, kick me off!
Sleep! Sending more thoughts, vibes, and prayers. And hugs, just for good measure!
SJ, you were here in Dallas. Watching us s-l-o-w-l-y rehearse this new show about steroids in baseball. It's cold in the theater. Let me know if you need more details, k?
(um, what do you look like? In case the cops come asking with a picture, I don't want to go "who is that?")
Thanks, omnis. The dad finally came and picked up the three teenage girls, so I am all set. Red hair, brown eyes, 4 ft 10.5 inches, for future reference. The woman upstairs has her son living with her all week, but she only has her daughter on weekends. It has something to do with what school she goes to. So, apparently every weekend is an all out slumber party for the daughter and her friends at Mom's. TCG is getting especially sick of it.
Stephanie, I mentioned it in your lj, but do you think Ellie would like some extra coloring books and such too, to keep her from being bored in the hospital? Hospitals at that age especially suck.