Hi everyone!
Thanks for the birthday wishes.
And Happy Wedding day to Nicole, and Anniversary day to the Reasons.
ION, Andi gave me this Galileoscope for my birthday. Putting it together with all of the lenses is part of the fun.
OTOH? So not putting the garish sticker on it that says, "Don't point this at the sun!." Oh really? do tell.
Happy Anniversary, House of Reason!
Happy Wedding Day, Nicole!
Attempt at world's largest Time Warp led by Richard O'Brien! [link]
Shir, wishing you good relationships with your family, and good boundary-setting so that they quickly get used to having an adult living with them.
Happy Birthday, Daniel!
Happy Anniversary, Reasons!
Happy Wedding Day, Nicole!
Happy Halloween, everyone else! This evening I saw actual kids trick or treating in groups with their parents, like in the US. Much fun! We're off the drive-in for The Shining. (I suddenly feel like it's nearly winter - of which I'm a big fan. Summer makes me tired and cranky. Winter involves a bit more pain, but for some reason I have more energy, and I adore dark evenings. Yes, I am a freak. Anyway, am SO excited about drive-in movie on this slightly chilly, dark Autumn evening. Yay!)
Ceremony starts in a little less than two hours so I'm doing one last board read and then getting the last things in place before heading out to Red Rocks. Very excited!! Thank you SO MUCH, truly, for all of the well wishes.
Happy Anniversary to Jilli and Pete!
Happy Birthday, Daniel!
Happy Halloween!
And I'm off! And taking my multiple exclamation points with me!!
::throws confetti, rice and glitter in Nicole's direction::
Felicitations to both of you!
Many congratulations and best wishes, Nicole!
Happy wedding, Nicole!
Happy anniversary, Jilli and Pete!
Happy birthday, DCJ!
Nicole, have a wonderful day! I'm thrilled for you!
Happy Birthday Daniel! Happy Anniversary, Jilli and Pete! Happy Halloween, everyone!
New dishwasher arrived early. We've since discovered that the old one was hooked up to the cold water line. The hot water line was going to the filter system.
I wish I was a handy sort of person and could discover this stuff for myself and not feel as if I'm going to blow the house up.
Mazel Tov, Nicole! Felicitations!