Yay Seska!
Heh - thanks! I was supposed to have finished it back in about April, I think. Still, at least I got there in the end. Sort of. Now for the rest of the dissertation. By November 30th. Without losing the plot entirely in the meantime. I hope.
Dissertation~ma, Seska!
I should be leaving for a doctor's appointment soonish. It's just a check up, but after a crappy night of sleepy, I just don't want to go. I'll go anyway, of course.
Okay, I'm a bit obsessed with epidemic disease.
My friend Seanan has a very informative song called "The Black Death."
As a side note, I watched a film called Doomsday this past weekend. It was about a viral epidemic. It was sort of a cross between 28 Days Later, Escape from New York and The Road Warrior. No real epidemeology but it did include the Younger Pertwee getting roasted and eaten by vicious Scots.
Yeah, I watched that last week. There were a lot of decapitations.
I think I'd much rather have mild flu-like symptoms for 36 hours than be knocked off my feet for a full week (which is what happened when I had the flu several years ago).
Last time I had the flu was eighth grade. I missed two weeks of school from the actual flu, another week from the sinus infection I got from being congested for so long, and another week from the allergic reaction to the antibiotics the doctor prescribed for the sinus infection.
Geez, Hil. What a nasty hit that flu was for you. Glad it was a long time ago.
My fever broke this morning, and I feel a lot better. Time for a nap, so I can go to work this afternoon.
Feel better, WindSparrow.
I do love glorious unpredictability of this thread. Well, of B.org, really. One moment shoe porn, the next moment The Black Death. Bless your hearts.
I can haz haircut! I was starting to look like a short, round Wookie (...oh, damn - that would be an Ewok, really, wouldn't it?) so I finally hit the salon. My hair is now Amelie-short. Possibly shorter. I like it
I was v. chuffed, upon leaving the salon and heading upstairs in the mall to pick up more things from shops, to have a random bloke hail me (granted, in the hopes of winning my custom) with "Nice haircut!"
I have a friend visiting from out of town, and today is her last day in town. We were sitting around relaxing when she got a call from a semi-local acquaintance. They started having a very high-energy conversation that--even at a remove--is exhausting.
She then interrupts the conversation to ask if she and I have any dinner plans tonight, and then says "that sounds great! Let's get together!"
NOT pleased, even though I am apparently included in the "get together" invitation if I choose to be. I don't think my friend gets why I'm annoyed.
I couldn't get either flu shot today from my doctor, They only have the H1N1 and can only give it to pregnant women.