my dad slayed a rat once in the 70's with a fondue fork and a reproduction Civil War sword. Got any of those?
that is so awesome. I think I have a barbecue fork but the swords are in D's room and he's still sleeping. That rat is really holed up. I've got the cat barricaded in my room right now to see if the rat will bolt for the door if we're not poking at it.
I wrote out my thoughts on the earlier discussion but after reading them over it seemed I really didn't have much to add so I deleted them.
I read this as "I AM PORN! I CHOOSE YOU!"
Anyone else picturing Erin as a Pokemon trainer, but with little red and white balls of porn?
What a coincidence - Dinosaur Porn: [link]
In case you're wondering- I am currently engaged in a battle of wits with
rattus norvegicus,
the brown rat, not
rattus rattus,
the black or "roof" rat who was previously discussed in this thread.
I tried to put the recliner on the front deck but I can't do it alone. I have moved it much closer to the door.
So the rat is...ratholed?
And I am sometimes porn, except when I am not. But perhaps I am -- is the box open or closed? Is it porn if you don't look inside? Am I porn, but don't know?
(But I am never Pokemon porn, because my bf's son LURVES Pokemon, and that is way too disturbing.)
Ooh, that picture of Julian McMahon was too hot. Why do I think he's hot? Mmm.
And the Mythbuster's chick is TOO ANNOYING FOR WORDS to me. I just want to stabbinate her.
I have soup, and the dishwasher is on.
Ooh, that picture of Julian McMahon was too hot. Why do I think he's hot? Mmm.
He should *totally* be the movie Bruce Wayne.
And the Mythbuster's chick is TOO ANNOYING FOR WORDS to me. I just want to stabbinate her.
Kari? But she's so cuuuuuuuuuute!