Oooof! Almost disaster. Joe and I were out back, goofing around and play-fighting when my engagement ring flew off my finger and into the dark recesses of the night.
Thank god it landed on cement and that we have a maglight. Must get it resized. Last time I had it resized, Em was 6 weeks old.
It is. It is NOM (and I hadn't thought of it in ages until Laga mentioned it.)
I don't have any contacts, but here's the link to my school district jobs database.
Glad to here today was better.
So sorry to get your hopes up, merea. But maybe she'll feel the vibe and know that a Beth should be near you.
Weird day. And I have stuff to do that now I am home
Oh, my goodness. I felt so much better today (mentally and physically) it's not even funny. I didn't really realize how miserable the sleep dep was making me feel until I didn't feel that way any more.
Edit: I'm still feeling a bit more tired than feels "right" for me at this time of night, but I don't feel crushingly tired and kind of insane.
Heh, I was all just explaining LinkedIn to my bf and being all "If nothing else, it makes me FEEL more proactive!" and Gud sends me a link.
Thanks, Gud.
Also? While I KNEW what most all long-time Ffistas do career-wise? Seeing it all laid out on a screen is all "Holy shit! I know some really kick-ass people! GO TEAM SMARTIES!"
Onion tarte is fantastically yum. My friend Tracey married a Frenchman and he would make one for every party.
So. Good.
Plus you can also get one at the Grand Cafe in SF.
in case your tummy wasn't already growling... link
Now, I've never had an Onion Tart, and it doesn't really sound good to me judging by just the name, but I went and looked at some of the recipes and it sounds kind of like French Onion Soup with the broth removed. Is that anywhere close to right? Because that sounds pretty yum.