Goodness! Much stomach~ma to Tom.
I like nightgowns at night. Soft, long, flowing nightgowns with a bit of lace, in pastels or white. It's as girly as I ever get. The people who usually see me slounging around in sweatpants and birkies probably wouldn't recognize me.
I need a selection of lovely caftans or something that I can waft around in, especially with winter coming on.
Oh, I am feeling such body image bedevilment these days. I am going to Macy's today to buy some pants. I am going on a business trip in a week and have to look spiffy. I only bought 2 pairs of size 14 pants this year because I assumed I was going to be a 12 or even a 10 soon and have plenty of work gear in those sizes. Have I? Not so much. Feh.
I swore never to go on another diet because I am too old for that shit, but I know I eat way too much unhealthy food and I am too old for THAT shit too. The DH and I are working on changing to a healthier Mediterranean-style of eating, as that seems to be one cardiologists like and heart issues run in both our families. plus we LOVES olive oil, so there's that. Still, I feel like eating nothing but lettuce leaves for a month as I feel like Chunky McFatterson from Lardland. Not gonna though. Too old for that shit.
/tedious weight ranting
If anyone has friends in the NYC kink scene, Babeland is hosting a make your own flogger night (out of a recycled bicycle tire)
Ouch. That would hurt like HELL. (Which is the point, I suppose...)
If anyone has friends in the NYC kink scene, Babeland is hosting a make your own flogger night (out of a recycled bicycle tire) tonight. It's thrifty, green, AND kinky!
I love the idea, anyway!
I really hate it when he says I am yelling when I am not. It makes me want to really YELL so he can recognize the difference!
Oh, me too. He has heard me yell, and he *really* didn't like it. I think I'm going to try to have the "I've noticed that we're both sensitive to tone" conversation tonight, if I'm feeling up to it. Flu shot has me a bit tired and woozy.
javachik, sometimes I think yours and mine are long-lost relatives.
I'm always boggled when I meet people who consider "crap" "abusive language", although, generally, if I unpack that on them, they ain't heard nothin' yet.
But then, my mother and I are lost, goyische Emanuels...we may lack the sensitivities of gen pop on this one.
I may need these shoes: [link]
-t, I knew which shoes you were linking to as soon as I moused over the URL. They're just so ... wow. I have no purple in my wardrobe, and yet I want them.
Those of you who know my usual reaction to both heels and shopping will understand how deeply I mean this.