They should not only charge her for being a peeping tom, but also trespassing.
My thoughts exactly. (Also, "that would never happen in New York" because we have laws on the books that say, essentially, hey, we're all living in reeeeeeeeeeeeeeal close quarters here. Don't wanna see? Don't look.)
I'm naked in my house all the damn time. I don't have curtains on a lot of my windows, but usually, I'm getting dressed (in the attic) or running from the stairs to the shower early in the morning. If my neighbor saw me, I'd probably blush and apologize, but again - my house. I wanna be naked, I'm gonna be naked.
Did the naked guy in the teapot on Ebay get charged with something?
I haven't been able to be as casually naked as I like because we've had housemates longer than we've had the house to ourselves. It makes me grumpy. Fortunately Hubby knows better than to try and convert me from my sans pajamas sleeping ways.
(I don't know why the idea of taking off one set of clothes and putting on another set to go to sleep annoys me so.)
The ~ma is strong in that one.
(I don't know why the idea of taking off one set of clothes and putting on another set to go to sleep annoys me so.)
Because it makes twice as much laundry. We don't sleep in the all-together all the time since having Em. Makes for wierdness when she crawls into bed with us. So typically, since I wear a camisole almost everyday, anyway, that and panties are my usual pjs.
if I might request a bit of ~ma for Tom, who is in the ER because of intense and regularly occurring stomach pains... I think they are going to do a CT scan, and I haven't heard from him in a while, so I assume he's getting looked at.
I am sure things will be fine, but ~ma would definitely be appreciated.
Oh no, Tom!! ~~~tummy-ma!!!!