is jealous of Nora's chocolate
Well, soon you'll be in the same time zone as the store! Congrats! Also, they deliver.
Hey, is this the first step in your move west-ward or has Lewis gotten a job out there yet? We are trying to work out logistics for moving west-ward, ourselves. Since we are likely renting when we get there, my thinking is 1) Tom gets job 2) sell house 3) move 4) I get job. I wonder if it might make more sense to reverse the first 2 though... however, both are fairly far out of our control regarding actually happening.
It just seems to make sense right now, in a weird way- and we can't get it out of our heads!
Hey, is this the first step in your move west-ward or has Lewis gotten a job out there yet?
Nope. No job yet. Basically, the gist of the sitch is that in order to at least get a foot in with the game companies he'd have to be available for contract gigs, which he's cool with, but the companies won't even interview if he's not out there and ready to go. So basically, we're taking a big ol' dive into the deep end of the pool. We're going to move, we'll put our house on the market after we move (it always shows better with us out of it, primarily because of the dogs) and then he'll start job hunting again in earnest once we're out there. Although I don't know, he might put in some applications even before we move, but at least he'll be able to say that we're going to be out there.
It just seems to make sense right now, in a weird way- and we can't get it out of our heads!
That's how it happens and that's how you KNOW.
That's how you know...he loves you. That's how you know...he's yours...
Holy awesomecakes, that's fantastic news!
How did the West Coast get so lucky? We always had excellent localistas, all the way from San Diego to Vancouver, but lately we've been the beneficiaries of a totally splendid Eastern Buffista migration. ita started it way back when and it's taken some time, but it's finally picking up some speed.
Who's next?
::looks at erika, starts laying down trail of breadcrumbs and character actors who specialize in interestingly broken cops::
Barb, I just checked out your Flickr set, and ZOMGWOW, that is one beautiful house.
Although I don't know, he might put in some applications even before we move, but at least he'll be able to say that we're going to be out there.
When I was job hunting in Chicago from Milwaukee (commutable distance even, though I never intended to commute) I was always careful to state in the first sentence of the cover letter that I was already in the process of moving. I'm sure there were still a lot who just went "non-local address, nope) but it got me through at least some doors.
I know, JZ, that would be great, but not likely without an exceedingly generous patron of the kind that only exist at the end of Dickens novels.
Sometimes it is hard to read about all these fresh starts when you're not even sure you started once, ever.
Has anyone used Crest White Strips? The instructions say that you shouldn't use it right after you brush your teeth in the morning, but how long should you wait? 5 minutes? 30? I just brushed my teeth before I got into the shower, then put them on after I got out. Hope my teeth don't fall out.