Congrats, Barb!!
Kristin, I'm sorry about the wedding/honeymoon annoyance. Diamond shoes or not, it sucks.
Watching an episode of Batman: the animated series called "Tyger Tyger". But that not-quite rhyme always bugged me and if anybody knows what's up with that I figured buffistas do.
Yay! I'm mainlining B:TAS right now. I'm in the third season.
Awesome, Barb!
I'm not sure about getting a cane. I have no idea how to walk with one, and it would kind of feel like I was faking. Plus, it would be another thing to have to carry and throw off my balance.
Yay! I'm mainlining B:TAS right now. I'm in the third season.
I've got a tape from the collector's set of just the coolest Harley eps in her character arc.
I've also got the episode that riffs on The Dark Knight Returns.
YAY Barb! Congrats
Kirstin that is very annoying and it's reasonable to be upset.
Did I miss the pics of the new place???!!
Here's the flickr photoset of the house. It's one of the first I found online and the second one we saw in person and we just KNEW.
Vortex knew too, since she understood just how wibbley that kitchen would make me.
Cannot WAIT to have a par-tay and share the kitchen with everyone!
I'll just mention that I make a KILLER white sangria.