Hippo Birdies, Two Ewes for both Calli and Burrell!!
{{Kristin}} I hope the day is turning out better than it started.
We had a whopping 62 degrees here, today. I just want the thank the other states that are sucking all the snow, so we could have that. Thanks!
Thanks, loves. Sorry I posted and then disappeared. I just got some bad news about our wedding/honeymoon plans that I'll share when I'm not typing on an iPhone and that combined with my nasty, swollen Franken-eye and general malaise made for a poopy mood. At doctor's office now and then home to wallow and/or consume large amounts of the delicious no pudge brownies I made yesterday. That should help.
{{{{{Kristin}}}}} have some more brackets
Aw, shit, Kristin. No pudge brownies are very comforting; I just wish they were wedding-fixing.
{{Kristin}} May the doctor be helpful. May the wallowing and brownies be gratifying.
I have a new prescription for antibiotic eye drops and am now waiting in the pharmacy for them. Since I have some time to kill, I'll finish the wedding news. It could be a lot worse. We still will have five nights at the resort, which is good. What isn't so good is that the resort is sold out on the 2nd, and since we already used reward miles to book the 2nd to 8th since DVC waited too long for us to book the 3rd to 9th (no reward seats left on the 9th unless we want to take a side trip to Seattle on the way home, which um, no). So basically our six nights in paradise for free is now five nights, and we have to find somewhere to stay (and pay) that first night. I know it's not a huge deal--we are still going to save a ton of money, and five nights is better than none. Diamond shoes, I suppose. I was just already a bit bummed that we are only going to get a couple of days to relax after the wedding (which is going to be on the 5th) and now the days leading up to it are going to be a bit more hectic and expensive than I'd hoped. I am going to call Alaska Airlines tomorrow on the unlikely chance they can get us home on the 9th, but I think it is just going to be what it is. Which is fine.
Cereal: In case it wasn't clear, I'd always wanted the 3rd to 9th so we'd have more actual honeymoon days, and DVC's lateness in posting those stupid charts made that impossible without paying for stupid expensive airfare, so I feel like they kind of screwed us over twice, though at least they waived their usua booking fee, and l should really stop whining because I don't want to be That Bride, but the whole situation bums me out. Done now.
YOu know Pix, if it was just a vacation this would be annoying to the extreme.
I agree, too!
Kristin, can you hop on IMs?