Hey All.
Yes, Cindy, that's me. Right after I hit send I remembered that I should have sent something to clarify who I am. Thanks, Aims.
Happy Birthdays, Birthday Laydees!
But in America, for too many people that kind of community feeling gets short-circuited by the fear that someone, somewhere, is Getting More Than Their Share. (The thought that someone is getting less than their share doesn't seem to excite the imagination in quite the same way.)
I used this logic with someone at a dinner party a while back - when I was a kid (after my dad left) my mom was working three jobs, but we were still on foodstamps and medi-cal (because those were the kind of crappy jobs my mom could get at the time); contrasted with one of my aunts who was on Disability when she didn't especially need to be, after suing the friend on whose property she tripped and fell (she told my mom she "just didn't like to work"). I would way rather risk my aunt being in the system than risk my mom (and her two kids) not being able to utilize the system.