Happy birthday, Calli! I admire you for turning fear into hate with regards to wasps. I'd like to do that with spiders. As yet, it has not happened. Possibly because I almost always have a potential spider-rescuer on hand. If I ever live alone again, I'm getting a cat. One that's fond of hunting spiders.
I'm googling for a very tiny hamster ball - this is turning out to be quite hard to find. My dwarf hamster is doing a lot of refusing to come out of her little house. We've tried lots of things to coax her out, but I reckon she just needs regular exposure to the world and people. She's too tiny for the big hamster balls, though.
Happy Birthday, Calli!
Surgery ~ma for Connie's DH. May the surgeon be having a particularly skillful day.
Health ~ma for Kristin and for Frank's landlord.
Why is it already Monday morning? Those of you that got the day first should have held on to it a little longer.
Happy Birthday to Burrell!
Happy Birthday Calli! Happy Birthday Burrell!
Ok, back to work with me. Really. Tell me to get back to work if you see my font!
Happy Birthday Burrell!! Happy Birthday Calli!!
I should do some work, but it's freezing in here and I feel like my stomach wants to turn itself inside out. Fucking first trimester.
I already wished Calli a happy birthday (with marshmallows!) but I gladly do so again, and add birthday wishes for Burrell.
character has a tattoo of a bar code on the back of his neck.
Ever watch Dark Angel? The genetically engineered soldiers had bar codes on their necks. [link]
WRT to the health insurance discussion of yesterday evening, my health plan (being the health plan of all state employees in which I reside) is going to start penalizing smokers and those above a certain BMI by putting them on a more expensive health plan. They will apparently be doing random cheek swabs to test for smoking and anyone over the set BMI will have to get a doctor's note if they have a mitigating health condition.
Also, if one family member is a smoker or is over the set BMI (which will start at 40% and move to 35% after one year), the more expensive rate applies to *all family members. I've heard but am not certain that once you are on the more expensive plan, you can't get off.
All this was, of course, decided by the legislature with no input from employees.