But the way that people will vote and act so entirely against their own interests when they're barely scraping by as is?
Someone told me once that people do this because it makes them feel wealthier/more affluent even if it clearly is against their interest.
My parents have friends, family of four, who currently have NO health insurance. But the are opposed to any health reform. I don't know why but it's 100% aganst their interest. Oh, but they don't mind moving to Canada and using their healthcare. Totally nuts, I think.
Oh, but they don't mind moving to Canada and using their healthcare.
!??! So they are OK with Canadian taxes, just not US?
I know. It made NO sense. I asked my dad the same question but he couldn't answer either.
That way they wouldn't destroy the Canadian way of life, which is already a lost cause, anyway?
Taxes other people pay are not the same thing.
For Teppy.
That's an excellent capper to my weekend! I will toddle off to bed with visions of semi-colons dancing in my head.
Normally, I hate most beer commercials, but I just saw the best Miller Lite commercial. Totally mocks the eHarmony commercials and does so, so convincingly, I totally bought it up until the end when the guy holds up the beer bottle.
I'm watching a silly Hallmark Channel movie and the tough-guy-with-a-heart-of-gold character has a tattoo of a bar code on the back of his neck. I've seen those a few times before. Does it signify something, or is it just something that's popular for no particular reason?
Health~ma for DH, Connie.
Hello, all. I slept all day today AGAIN but finally got some work done tonight. I have a lot more to do, but at least I'm not going into work completely unprepared, which was what I had begun to fear.